August 24, 2010

mind your music: first aid kit

September is quickly approaching, as does everything that comes with it. i'm very excited about it. And i think First Aid Kit will make it come that much faster.

In The Morning
 Who Are They: The Stockholm sisters create magic. Even more amazing is Johanna and Klara's lyrics which are far more beautiful and tragic than their 16 and 19 years of age. The music is as wistful as it is golden ... and their voices together are simply haunting.

Favorite Song: Their debut album The Big Black & The Blue is glorious ... every single song. I'm especially partial to "Waltz for Richard" , "Sailor Song", and "I Met Up With a King"

Waltz for Richard
Reminds Me Of/ Feels Like: Baroque wallpaper, fall school romances, and ship sails full of wind

( Photography by Annette Pehrsson. Please view her haunting, enchanting stream. )

So let the leaves fall around you and soak in the looming autumn with the Swedish sisters of folk.