August 9, 2011

Dear Blog.....

Dear Blog,

I feel like we have a very hot'n'cold kind of relationship going on. You see, I love writing on you. I get a bit tingly with excitement every time I see a new comment on one of your posts. I gulp with anticipation every morning I check my feedburner statistics to see how you are growing.

And yet, somehow, I just don't have enough time to give you all of the gentle loving you deserve......

I seem to have ideas for new blog posts and plans to update my blog roll. But, then quitting time at my day job rolls around. I get home, make dinner, give into the curse that is pregnancy television coma, and somehow loose the will to blog.

I forget to take pictures before it gets dark.....
My grand ideas for a vlog are as elusive as a candle in the wind.....
And if I were to post all of the recipes that I cook on a regular basis, everyone would realize that I essentially live off of spongebob mac n cheese....

I digress.

Little blog, I wholeheartedly plan on attending to your needs soon. Please forgive me? I'll buy you a pony!

Yours truly,

Big Momma Bloomfield