July 30, 2012

Revealing the New Gingiber Logo!

Check out our brand new (fabulous) logo for Gingiber! Designed by the amazingly talented Eric Kass of Funnel (you need to follow him on Pinterest, too!) I've been working with Eric for the past 3 months to find the perfect direction for Gingiber. 

At first I really struggled with what I wanted our new identity to look like. I didn't want to use an animal that would pigeon hole future growth for Gingiber. Also, I wanted to move away from the "nursery decor" focus of the business, because I know there are lots of people who are fans of Gingiber who do not have kids! 

My husband and I had a 4 hour long "brainstorming session" to create the perfect tagline for the business. At the end of that night, the only thing we knew for sure was that the wanted to use the word "zest". After a full night of sleep, I woke up and it hit me: "Zest for Your Nest". It wrapped up what Gingiber is in a perfectly cute (and quirky) nutshell.

Eric went from there and came up with this dynamic nest icon. It has a retro vibe to it, uses a lot of the same textures that I implement in my own illustrations, and looks fantastic all by itself! I chose the colors, but they can be adapted over time as the business grows.

I am so excited for the future of Gingiber! Now that we have a great new logo that will last us YEARS, I am eagerly planning a real website for customers and retailers to visit. I am having cloth tags made with the new icon that will be sewn into all future merchandise (so excited about this!).

Thanks so much, Eric, for working with me and putting up with my indecisiveness :) Somehow you gave me exactly what I was wanting! Hats off to you.

BTW: The Gingiber shop update is LIVE! Hop on over and check out all of the new goodies :)