January 19, 2012

Some Vintage Clothing!

On my birthday last week, I decided to wander over to a cute new vintage clothing shop in Fayetteville called Vintage Violet. Obviously, I could not resist their adorable moniker, so I did some real shopping! I tried on clothes and everything :) Now, I still have 10 pounds to go until I reach my goal post pregnancy weight, and golly even then I will still be a size 12. But the great thing about vintage clothing is that it is cut for real women!

Take this adorable 1950's vintage Apron Dress! I love the orange gingham check and the embroidered pocket. But must of all I love that it was cut for a woman with curves, not a stick!

The dress is thin so I have to wear a slip or some sort of camisole under it. But I think it is cute as a button. And it was less than $20 clams, so I do I do love it!

Okay, so I am not a fashion blogger. And don't expect regular outfit posts from me. But I just loved this cute dress enough that I had to share!

Do you wear vintage clothing? Or even a few pieces mixed into your daily wardrobe?